







There are certain events in the history of a nation that become embedded in the collective psyche of the people. These are usually happenings of heroic dimensions that help over the years to define a nation and its people. Serbia has more than its share of these defining moments but 1804 stands out as one of the most noteworthy. It is therefore important and fitting that Serbians remember what happened in 1804. Unless there is contemplation of the past there can be little hope of surviving the future.

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In 1804 the Serbs who followed Karadjordje did so despite the realization that the uprising had little likelihood of succeeding. Yet they were full of purpose and hope. They were, moreover, prepared to risk all, including their lives, to obtain freedom and break the chains of Turkish tyranny.
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Two hundred years after this heroic Serbian uprising I would like to be able to say that Serbia today was enjoying political stability, economic prosperity and that the nation was regarded as a respected member of the international community. Alas, this is not the case.

The reality is that on the bicentenary of the Serbian uprising – the uprising that launched the nation on the road to independence and put an end to Turkish oppression in the Balkans – we find that Serbia is in a desperate condition.

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It is a country facing political paralysis and economic dislocation. Its population is demoralized and disillusioned. There is high unemployment and a deteriorating standard of living. There is the grave risk of losing Kosovo. In addition, thousands of the country’s brightest and best have left and are living now in Chicago, Toronto or Sydney.
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Serbia has not recovered from the shameful NATO bombing campaign launched against it in the spring of 1999. The bombing that continued for 78 days and nights destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure and crippled an economy already on the verge of collapse because of Milosevic mismanagement and seven years of United Nations sanctions.
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The need to provide shelter and subsistence to the half million refugees ethnically cleansed from Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo has added to the burden of the stricken nation. Little international financial assistance has been forthcoming and what has been promised has been tied to conditions that any self- respecting nation would find difficult to accept.
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Next month the United States Congress will vote on a 100 million dollar aid package for Serbia but it will be conditional on Serbia cooperating with the Hague Tribunal. The latest strident and emotional charges by the chief prosecutor of the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, Carla Del Ponte, that Belgrade is harboring Radovan Karadzic seems timed to ensure that the vote will be negative. This should tell us something about Del Ponte’s function as an apologist for United States policy in the former Yugoslavia and her role as a salaried supporter of George Soros crusade against Serbia.

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In some respects Carla Del Ponte has done more damage to Serbia than was done by the NATO bombing. She has obviously a pathological hatred of Serbia and Serbians and is determined to classify them all as war criminals and murderers. Frustrated by Milosevic’s ability to point out inconsistencies and outright fabrications by the prosecution during his trial she seems set on adding more and more Serbs to the list brought before her kangaroo court. It was not by accident that she waited until the deaths of Tudjman and Izetbegovic before hinting that given time they too might have been brought before her court.
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She single handedly guaranteed a heavy Serbian vote for the Serbian Radical party by indicting four Serbian Generals before her court on the eve of the Serbian election. Her removal from the court would be a blessing for Serbia and would permit the country to get on with its recovery. Unfortunately, she will continue to operate like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland with her demands of, ‘off with their heads,” and “first the sentence-then the verdict!”

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She is scarily reminiscence of Hitler’s favoured prosecutor, Roland Fiesler, who presided over the trials of those Germans who were involved in the July 20 plot against Adolf Hitler. Fiesler took sadistic satisfaction in humiliating his victims before condemning them.

More serious than the physical damage caused by the illegal NATO attack has been the psychological damage done to the Serbian people. They have been portrayed by the Western media as barbarians guilty of mass rape and murder. There has been little attempt by Western Governments to set the record straight on these lies because to do so would call into question their own role in the tragedy that swept through the former Yugoslavia in the 1990’s.
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Unfortunately, the once proud Serbia that had shared with Greece the honour of being the most democratic and freedom loving country of the Balkans is now looked upon by many as an international pariah whose leaders and people are guilty of crimes against humanity.

This was the little country with a population of four and one half million people that in the First World War defied the Austrian- Hungarian and German empires. This was the Serbia that at horrendous sacrifice refused to abandon the allied cause and continued to fight with courage and effectiveness until the end of the war.
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This was the Serbia that refused to make a deal with Hitler in 1941 despite being hopelessly surrounded by Axis countries. Yet it stood by its traditional allies, Britain and France, and did so in the clear knowledge that defiance meant destruction, occupation and the subsequent decimation of its population. The price that Serbia paid for their brave demonstration of loyalty to their friends was genocide at the hands of the Ustashi, Nazi and Muslim fascists and a savage civil war between communist partisans and anti-communist forces. The nation was torn apart, suffered over a million dead and was totally devastated by the war - a war that led to the dictatorship – benevolent or otherwise of Josip Broz Tito.
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Serbia like many other small nations has found itself throughout its history used as a pawn in the power struggles of great nations. Its geographical location in the Balkans on the religious and cultural divide – between Roman Catholic and Orthodox, between East and West, between Hapsburg and Ottoman, between conflicting ideologies – has inevitably entangled it in great power rivalry.